Thursday, June 5, 2014

Alexandra Page - Week 3 - Morocco

This week has been a lot more calm than the first two because we decided to stay in Rabat for the huge music festival Mawazine! I was so excited to hear that this fest was coming to the city we live in because I go to music festivals every summer in the US and was missing my favorite fest while I was here; but I'd rather go to a music festival in morocco surrounded by these beautiful people than in the US anyways! I lucked out. And it was so much fun, we saw Justin Timberlake Friday and Jason Derulo Saturday. We made two friends at the Jason Derulo concert who protected us from the groping guys in the crowd and we've hung out with them every day since (but I'll talk about that in my next post!) I'll try to include a picture of them.

I've gotten into more of a routine at work and it's been great! I'm remembering the kids names and faces - they're all so adorable and talented. I still can't believe I get to play soccer and basketball and other games with them and call it a job; I wish I could do this for the ret of my life. Wednesday  we went to an all day Special Olympics event that  some of our kids competed in. Some did tennis, swimming, track, etc. I was in charge of 2 kids at the track events and it got a little frustrating that I couldn't speak the language so it was a hard day but it was fun to watch them run and receive medals!

My host family is still feeding us delicious tagine and noodles and such, and I try to walk to the ocean every day because it's so close and I love the water. I even have a beach friend who bought me coffee on the beach, everyone is too generous here!

I'll post lots of photos of my beautiful friends and students and mawazine and the ocean when I can use my laptop but last time I tried to charge it, it short circuited the whole house! And when I tried later it fried my adapter so I'll try again and hopefully it won't be a hazard.

1 comment:

  1. Alexandra,

    Thanks for posting! I really appreciate your putting your name, location, and week # abroad in the title.

    The music festival sounds like a really good time. Did you get up close? Were there any bands/artists there who you didn't know?

    Your job sounds fantastic- a great fit for you. Maybe you can find something similar back in the U.S! Are you picking up any of the language? I can see how that would be entirely frustrating. Good thing that they are kids, though- they'll get their point across some other way!!

    The beach walking sounds so nice and how nice of the person to buy you a coffee. When I was abroad, I did the same thing with my computer adapter! I actually had to order one and have it shipped to me (that cost a lot of money). Do you have to use a wall adapter for the plug? I'd love to see pictures when you can!

