Monday, September 1, 2014

Enxhi Merpeza; Tirana, Albania; Eleventh Week

Ejona and myself were the only ones in the office for the first few days as Kledia was still nursing herself back to health. While she was away I was given a new job to create a new ad campaign for Albania’s coming surge of tourism…we don’t know if it will be used but I think the work I did on imaging—with the help of my roommates and colleagues, was pretty bombastic, especially for someone who doesn’t usually deal with graphic design. I learned something new about myself—I love designing graphics and layouts for pamphlets…new skill to add to the resume.

Next we were given a translation depicting historical and architectural merit for various cities of Albania—Kledia did the bulk of the translation while I was doing the ad, but we managed to get a good start on it. Still, it was very convoluted text. It was a different type of translation than the others because it was going to be given directly to people who were interested in investing in Albania—but the language was flowery and poetic—never fun to translate since words and expressions aren’t direct translations of one another. To top off the week, we were given an urgent document directly from the Prime Minister’s office and it was to be translated within the day…we worked diligently and without stopping to get it done. It was to be handed to a group of German officials upon the PM’s conference with the group…no other information was relayed to us. 

Forests and Beach... :)

Sunset in Velipoj

Even though I shouldn't have been provoking my seafood intolerance...


We went to Velipoj for the weekend, a beach city bordering Montenegro. It was too crowded for our taste, which made sense since we visited at the peak of peak season. Understanding the locals took more effort as they have much thicker dialects than the middle part of Albania and to the south. The layout of the beach of Velipoj was well thought out, but the crowd made it very unappealing to me—despite it’s mountain-beach beauty. It made me appreciate that each nation will have things you like and dislike, and both are necessary to not take for granted each journey that you make in that new place. It was lovely to see the northern part of Albania, and just as before. The mountains were astounding and then some (the north is renowned for its mountains and with good reason too!).

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