Saturday, May 17, 2014

Week 1 in Rabat, Morocco!

I didn't have very many expectations or ideas about what life in Rabat, Morocco would be like so I've just been taking everything one day at a time and I love it! Living right next to the coast is incredible, I found the perfect running route along the beach and out on a few piers as well as a perfect reading spot on a ledge over the ocean! Everyone here is kind and alive. My host family is sweet although the language barrier is difficult to get to know them. They feed us delicious dinners though and the tea here is spectacular! I'm living in the old medina which is teemig with life and after getting lost in the maze of narrow streets a few times I know my way decently well. We're eating delicious food and I'm trying to explore as much as possible. Work is really fun, we get to be pretty active, we've swam and played soccer with the kids. They all have Down syndrome and speak Moroccan Arabic so it's hard to communicate but luckily soccer and art are the same in every language! We traveled for the weekend and I cannot wait to see/experience more of Moroccan life!

1 comment:

  1. Alexandra,

    My name is Tammy Mida. I am interning in LSA International Internships this summer, so I will be reading and responding to your blog posts.

    I'm glad that your first week went well! I would really love to see pictures- of the city life, of your home, and especially some of you at work. Could you fill me in on where you are working and what your responsibilities are?

    I bet the language barrier is tough. You will pick up more than you could imagine and, in no time, you will be interacting very well. Where did you travel to? Are you using public transportation?

